What do you need
to leave written?

If something happened to you right now, and you couldn’t communicate your actions for a long time, what would you need to say to your family, friends or co-workers?

Albwer is a platform that allows you to have a set of instructions (messages) that should be delivered when you are absent for a certain amount of time.

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Customize Albwer your way

Within the platform, several customization options will enable you to tailor the service to your needs. Create and manage messages, the respective recipients, and much more.

  • Set the maximum time away allowed for each message.
  • Choose the check rate you want.
  • Possibility to auto-incinerate your account.

Different messages can have different timings to be sent out. You decide how frequent checks are, and when each message should be delivered.

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Who's the platform for?

We want this platform to be accessible to all non-tech-experts without needing to set up their own infrastructure and manage security.
But also to be the go-to platform for everyone, by providing different levels of trust to store messages, together with almost full customisation of the service.

  • Tech-savvy users that use several digital services, and want their close ones to know about them.
  • Contractors who want to inform their clients on how to continue the work they were doing.
  • Business leaders that want to send instructions in their absence.
  • People that just want to leave a personal message to a friend or family.
  • Other use cases you can think of…

We aim for trust

Our goal is that you can trust us to safeguard your messages

Albwer was built with security and trust in our minds. We are also users of the platform, so we understand your worries when looking for a service like this one.


We encrypt your messages on top of our secure database.

Data Keeping

We schedule messages for deletion after they are sent to specified recipients.

Unique Checks

All checks we send to you are unique and expire every time a new one is sent.

Trust Levels

We plan to enable different Trust Levels for your messages.

Built for everyone

Albwer wants to be accessible to everyone. We also want to best serve every single one of our users. That's why we offer a subscription model. If you are paying for the service, then you also know you are not the product.

€12 /year
(€1.50/month if billed monthly)
  • Individual Message configuration
  • Custom Trigger configuration
  • Auto incinerate account option
  • Maximum Messages: 50
  • Maximum Recipients: 10 per Message
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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

A recurring check is a confirmation message to validate you are still responsive.

Within the platform, you can configure the periodicity you want to receive these checks.

Every time you change your check rate on the settings page, the periodic email check will reset, and you will need to confirm a new check, right after the change.

Also, every time you receive a new check, it will invalidate the previous check you had received, so that email link won't be valid anymore.

Create your account for free today

Try Albwer, create messages and customize your trigger configuration. No credit card is required.

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